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Garden of obscure objects - The Whirlwind

In this module, we were divided into five groups and each of them worked with a poem. We initially started with reading and understanding the poem 'Always for the first time' by André Breton. The poem was a source for evoking emotions from past experiences to create a drawing (using charcoal) and arriving to a concept like 'the whirlwind' . Then, we proceeded in making conceptual models which eventually got made into life size models.

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Always for the First Time


The more the key sings at the door of the unknown room
Where you appear alone before me
At first you coalesce entirely with the brightness
The elusive angle of a curtain
It's a field of jasmine I gazed upon at dawn on a road in the vicinity of Grasse
With the diagonal slant of its girls picking
Behind them the dark falling wing of the plants stripped bare
Before them a T-square of dazzling light
The curtain invisi
bly raised
In a frenzy all the flowers swarm back in

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orientation 4.HEIC

In this module we learnt not only about the importance of references like poems that can help one in the creative process but also the importance of team work and coordination between individuals to create something amazing. 

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